Effective Leadership Training

by | Blog, Experiential Leraning, Leadership Development

The Power of Experiential Learning

Training is expensive. It costs money and time. A lot of money. And a lot of time. If the lessons taught in training actually grew roots in your organization, it would be worth it. There would be no hesitation to continue to sign up for effective leadership training. But you know that is not what usually happens. How many binders and strategic plan outlines are currently on your shelf right now? Too many. It’s time to get real.

Getting Real with Your Training

The coaching-facilitation style of Sojourn Partners is different. We work with you to understand the impetus behind what is happening in your organization, and then help you walk through real solutions. That’s right. Real life application on your real problems. While working with us, you will be applying proven strategies to your own current issues and scenarios. When you apply it, it sticks with you. This is the power of experiential learning. Once you’ve got it, you’ve got it for good, and can use it in the future as just one of the tools in your arsenal of problem solving skills.

Effective Leadership Training

Theory vs. Real Life Application of Effective Leadership Training

Leadership theory gives us a deeper understanding of why a particular strategy will work and can help to identify specific scenarios where the theory can be applied. But the knowledge of how to apply the theory eludes many. Effective leadership training uses the theory in practice, over and over, develops a level of comfort, confidence, and connection that makes it about as real as it can get. Both theory and practice are crucial. This is why higher education encourages experiential learning for all students.

“Theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge are like two sides of the coin, both are equally important. It is necessary to understand both the ends of the spectrum.” (Ramnani, n.d.).

Russ Ouellette, President of Sojourn Partners, says, “No hypotheticals. We work a real situation right here. Participants do not need to worry about feeling vulnerable. It’s ok to be vulnerable. It can be helpful and productive.“ Problems are sometimes overwhelming, but, “We break everything down so participants can process little doses. Then we do a deep dive, a little at a time, and create space so people can think. The information is practical and relevant,” says Heather Ramsey, Managing Partner of Sojourn Partners. “This is why Sojourn is different.”

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” – Goethe. 

It’s time to get real.


Ramnani, M.V. (n.d.). Theoretical knowledge vs practical application. Vivekanand Education Society Institute of Management. Retrieved from https://www.vesim.ves.ac.in/vesimblog/student-blog/185-theoretical-knowledge-vs-practical-application.html

About Sojourn

Sojourn Partners is a results-driven executive leadership coaching firm that empowers the professional workforce to think differently in order to realize the full return on investment in themselves and their companies. Professional leadership thinking and intervention, based on years of research and experience, place Sojourn Partners at the forefront in executive leadership coaching, organizational development, strategic planning and culture and climate change.


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