The first symptom of the founder’s syndrome is that they refer to themselves as a founder. Its’ okay for others to refer to me as the founder of Sojourn, but Sojourn is not done, so I am not the founder of anything yet.
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Welcome to 2030
I was sitting in a presentation reviewing software solutions with a client and it dawned on me that any of these products would work great. The sheer technology leaps we have made are truly astounding – so many ideas, quickly brought to market, and this is only the beginning.
On crisis and leadership: Lead us through with respect, integrity and hope
I recently shared an article with friends and colleagues titled, “In a crisis, is where leaders are made. Pay close attention to what they do.” Like everything else in life, great leadership is situational.
NH Business Review – “Over Coming Procrastination”
In this article, originally published in New Hampshire Business Review, we look at ways to overcome procrastination and create ways to jump start your initiative to get things done. Click here for the full article.
Jeff Bezos & Amazon’s High Performance Culture Is Not Going Away
As I read the stories of “work hard” at Amazon, I am filled with a familiar feeling that I had back when I was working for Raytheon Company in the 90's. Coming up in the ranks of a successful commercial company with over 60,000 employees was stressful, hard, included...
5 Things Great Leaders Do Every Day
Let me start this article with a disclaimer. There really are no universal truths when it comes to leadership. However, there are many attributes that leaders display. You may find it helpful to really embrace and practice these skills. 1. Authenticity As an...
Strength of Powerful Network Relationships Part II
Our computer relationship databases can hold thousands of contacts. Yet how many of these contacts have any real social meaning to us or those people stored in our files. Sure, we can send out newsletters, invite thousands of people to visit our blog or even invite...
Strength of Powerful Network Relationships Part I
It is no surprise that many, if not most, good executives develop and maintain a robust Rolodex of associates and contacts to connect themselves to the world. These contacts are developed through many means including board positions, professional associations and...
Four Components of Leadership
I was having lunch with a leader - someone who I see as a mentor. He asked me what I thought the components of leadership were. As I am asked this question a lot, my standard answer is “there is no one answer to that question”. However, being on the spot and...
Is Your Leader or Team Embarking on a Journey and in Need of a Guide?
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