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Failing Spectacularly: The Phoenix From the Flame

What is the thing we try to avoid at all costs yet is at times, absolutely inevitable?  Personal, professional and even physical failure sends many people to addiction or in better case scenarios, to the therapist.  Most of the reasons that a flop feels so toxic is...

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Using Your Personal Story to Stand Up and Be Noticed

We buy from people we like and we hire people who will connect with our culture.  Whenever we say “ she’s the  'real deal' ”, it instantly evokes a desire to want to be connected to that person.  The bottom line is personal authenticity rules.  In fact we seem to seek...

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The Mindfulness Files: Hitting the Reset Button

If you can’t seem to focus or find that you just need to feel more grounded as you go through your day, try this simple 1-3 minute exercise to shift your nervous system: Sit upright in a chair, shoulders relaxed down the back with your knees situated somewhat lower...

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Why a Personal Retreat Is Good for Your Career

You know what, its not just your career that would benefit from a personal retreat, its your whole person.  When you go 48,000 miles an hour and are always plugged in, there is a certain mentality that takes over.  A body in motion not only stays in motion but usually...

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Creating Success Through the Mind Body Connection

An underutilized tool that we have available to us at all times is the connection between the mind and the body.  It has been determined that we understand that the mental impacts the physiological and vice versa. The more we reap benefits for our brains as it is...

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When Bad Habits Creep Back In

From ditching red meat to getting to the office early, most people can say that they have been able to develop at least a few good habits.  However, how many of us can also say they thought they licked a problem behavior only to have it creep back in again? The same...

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